Categories for employment

Understanding the New Joint Employer Standard

LEGAL UPDATE: Understanding the New Joint Employer Standard

by | March 27, 2024

NOTE: This rule is currently in litigation and has not taken effect. We will continue to monitor and update this post. Employers should be aware of the continuing trends toward employee rights and be prepared for this kind of rule from states and the federal government.  The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has rolled out... View Article

staffing and recruiting with legal counsel

5 Ways Staffing Companies Can Leverage The Strategic Value of Legal Counsel

by | March 22, 2024

In staffing and recruitment, legal counsel stands as a cornerstone for success. Staffing companies must adeptly navigate employment complexities, swiftly negotiate contracts for competitive advantage, and prepare for industry consolidation under the guidance of legal experts. Overcoming hesitance to engage legal services, they can transform legal counsel from a last resort into a proactive ally, empowering them to focus on growth and innovation. For staffing firms and entrepreneurs, strategic legal partnership isn't just advantageous—it's indispensable for propelling businesses toward unprecedented success in an ever-evolving landscape.

Transparency Is Now Mandatory. Is your Business Ready?

by | January 23, 2024

At Equinox, we champion transparency as the ultimate best practice. In today's business landscape, the trend of "radical transparency" can either be a strategic advantage or a self-destructive move. In this post, we delve into the complexities of transparency, guiding you through legal, regulatory, compliance, and cost considerations.

LEGAL UPDATE: Cannabis Anti-Discrimination Law

by | December 18, 2023

How is the Changing Perception of Cannabis Impacting Employment Practices? As legalized cannabis becomes more prevalent and widely accepted, so too have the attitudes and perspectives on cannabis usage evolved, including a shift in the current employment-related cannabis testing practices. Despite being a legal substance in Washington State, many employers still routinely choose to require... View Article

New ruling impacts workplace policy

LEGAL UPDATE: New Ruling Impacts Workplace Policies for All Employers

by | October 15, 2023

On August 2, 2023, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) issued the Stericycle, Inc. decision, creating a new standard for scrutinizing employer “work rules”. Work rules can consist of company handbooks, policies, and procedures. This decision specifically addresses employer work rules that could reasonably be construed as restricting employees’ rights to engage in activities protected under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), like unionization or openly discussing wages or benefits. Employers should carefully review their handbooks, policies, and procedures to ensure compliance with this decision and prepare for potential challenges.

Navigating complexity of HR and Employment Laws

Navigating the Complex World of Human Resources and Employment Law

by | October 15, 2023

Running a business is all about your people. They're the heart and soul of your operation, the driving force behind your success. But there's a twist – a tricky one. The legal landscape surrounding HR and employment is like a constantly shifting maze. If you're a business owner, you've probably felt the challenge of keeping up with the ever-changing rules and regulations. Laws vary from state to state, and they seem to morph faster than you can say "compliance." It's a tough nut to crack, no doubt, but it's a challenge you need to conquer.

Weight Bias at Workon a National Scale

LEGAL UPDATE: Shifting Paradigms: Battling Weight Bias at Work on a National Scale

by | August 24, 2023

Over the last two decades, obesity levels in the United States have been on the rise along with a growing concern of discrimination based on weight in the workplace. As a result, states and local governments are starting to take action. In Washington, it is therefore illegal for employers to refuse to hire qualified potential employees because the employer perceives them to be obese.

Cares Act

LEGAL UPDATE: WA Cares Act: Premium collection begins this July

by | May 18, 2023

The WA CARES Act makes long-term care accessible to all workers in Washington State. The program is funded through payroll taxes collected by the state. Participation in the program is mandatory for Washington workers unless they applied for an exemption by November 1, 2021. The plan benefits are anticipated to be available to workers in July 2026 and will cover long-term care services such as professional care, equipment, home safety evaluations, and compensation for family members who provide care.