Author Archives for Michelle Bomberger

Federal Increase to Salary Thresholds Effective July 1, 2024

LEGAL UPDATE: Federal Increase to Salary Thresholds Effective July 1, 2024

by | July 23, 2024

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) issued its Final Rule, increasing the salary threshold for overtime exemption under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). This affects the “white-collar” exemptions for administrative, executive, or professional employees. The DOL estimates that approximately three to four million U.S. workers will either become eligible for overtime or receive salary increases to retain... View Article

The Importance of an AI Policy for Your Business

The Importance of an AI Policy for Your Business

by | July 23, 2024

An AI policy establishes a clear framework for how your company will develop, deploy, and manage AI technologies. It helps address potential issues such as unauthorized use of software, data breaches, and ethical concerns. By having a well-defined AI policy, your company can build trust with customers, employees, and stakeholders, showcasing your commitment to responsible and secure AI practices.

Retro alarm clock on color table, vintage style on the good morning concept

LEGAL UPDATE: A Potential End for Time Rounding in WA

by | June 18, 2024

Time rounding is designed to streamline payroll calculations benefitting both employers and employees. The Department of Labor and Industries in Washington has historically permitted this practice, provided it adheres to a strict neutrality policy. The rule is clear: any rounding must not favor the employer. In instances where bias is evident, the scales must tip... View Article

What Does Our Workspace Truly Need To Look Like

What Does Our Workspace Truly Need To Look Like

by | June 18, 2024

Are we still talking about hybrid vs. remote vs. in-person workplaces? Yes, we are! The decision on workplace setups might seem settled, but with a couple of years of post-pandemic experience, we’re now seeing what people really want and need. The reality is workplace preferences vary widely. Some team members prefer to be in the... View Article

Navigating the New Era of Noncompete Agreements: A Mandate for Transparency

by | May 23, 2024

Navigating the new era of noncompete agreements is crucial for businesses, as regulatory demands for transparency are rapidly increasing. States like California, Washington, and Oregon have significantly restricted noncompetes, and the FTC has approved a nationwide ban, pending legal challenges. Multi-state employers must understand the complex interplay of federal and state laws to remain compliant. With noncompetes becoming less viable, alternative strategies such as non-disclosure agreements, confidentiality provisions, and robust trade secret management are essential to protect business interests. Employers must proactively adapt to these changes to ensure compliance and safeguard their competitive edge.

FTC Ban on Noncompete Provisions

LEGAL UPDATE: FTC Ban on Noncompete Provisions

by | May 3, 2024

Now is the time to review your employment documents and identify any provisions that may be classified as noncompete provisions that will contravene the new Washington law and the federal Rule. Assess the potential risks these changes pose to your business and consider alternative risk management tools to safeguard your business interests. Make necessary changes to documents and processes to ensure compliance with Washington’s law. Compile a list of current and former employees impacted by the new federal Rule and be prepared to modify your documents again to comply with the Rule, should it come into effect.

The Playbill of Business Exits: Built to Scale and Crafted for Success

The Playbill of Business Exits: Built to Scale and Crafted for Success

by | April 25, 2024

In the dynamic world of business, planning for the future is as important as managing the present. The term “exit planning” isn’t just jargon; it’s a philosophy that encapsulates the essence of a well-strategized, successful culmination to your business’s lifecycle. However, the complexity of this process often overshadows its significance, leading many business owners to... View Article

staffing and recruiting with legal counsel

5 Ways Staffing Companies Can Leverage The Strategic Value of Legal Counsel

by | March 22, 2024

In staffing and recruitment, legal counsel stands as a cornerstone for success. Staffing companies must adeptly navigate employment complexities, swiftly negotiate contracts for competitive advantage, and prepare for industry consolidation under the guidance of legal experts. Overcoming hesitance to engage legal services, they can transform legal counsel from a last resort into a proactive ally, empowering them to focus on growth and innovation. For staffing firms and entrepreneurs, strategic legal partnership isn't just advantageous—it's indispensable for propelling businesses toward unprecedented success in an ever-evolving landscape.