Author Archives for Michelle Bomberger

Enhancements to SBA Lending for Small Businesses

by | November 9, 2010

Our guest blogger this week is Lisa Forrest, VP of SBA Lending at Union Bank.  Lisa brings over 22 years of SBA Lending experience and shares recent enhancements to SBA lending programs for small businesses. ————————————– Exciting News for the SBA 504 Loan Program.  When President Obama signed into law the Small Business Jobs Bill (HR... View Article


by | November 1, 2010

About a year ago, a good friend and colleauge Berry Zimmerman, founder of BizEnrich, introduced me to the book “The Go-Giver” by Bob Burg and John David Mann.  “The Go-Giver” shares the story of a young man, Joe, driven toward success. He’s a hard worker and “go-getter.”  Not until he begins giving to others does he really find the... View Article

Marketing: The Key Differentiator

by | October 29, 2010

Josh Anderson of One-Into-Many is our guest blogger this week.  He offers a great summary of our Equinox Focus topic “Reconceptualizing Your Business.”   Josh is also a founding member of the Advantage Consortium. ————————– Everyone is fighting to differentiate themselves in the market. A market that has become commodity oriented. They are asking for more value... View Article

Business Innovation through Human Capital Management

by | October 19, 2010

Our guest blog comes from Ken Realmuto, Talent Acquisition Expert and Human Capital Strategist.  Ken owns the firm Real Enterprises, Inc. and is a Founder/Partner Advantage Consortium.  ———————– In 2001 Allen Greenspan announced that we are entering a new age. He called it the “Conceptual Age”. Currently we have a universal agreement that we are indeed... View Article

The Competitive Advantage Belongs To….

by | October 12, 2010

Our guest blogger is Ron Kranz, Thought Provoker with Beyond the Benchmark and Founder/Partner for the re-conceptualization business at Advantage Consortium. Ron is our guest presenter at our October’ 27 Equinox Focus Event “Beyond Recovery: How to reconceptualize business for sustainable value creation.” ———————– The world has changed. The economy has changed. Our business has changed. It always... View Article

Re-Conceptualizing Intellectual Assets in Business

by | October 5, 2010

As companies are becoming more and more dependent on the knowledge, experience and creativity of the people in their businesses, they must begin to think more strategically about their “intellectual assets.”  At Equinox, we regularly receive calls from individuals starting a business and wondering if the contract they signed with their employers limits their ability... View Article

How Does Video Play a Role in Building Brand Awareness?

by | September 28, 2010

Our current economic climate and the rapidly changing marketing communications environment have ushered in a mind spinning array of challenges to businesses that want to build their brand awareness. Statistics show that a key tool to help build brand awareness is video on the web. Indeed, according to numbers released this year: –  76% of... View Article

Social Media, Brand Development and the Purchase Process

by | September 21, 2010

Guest blogger Steven Matsumoto, CEO of Stigmare, Inc., brings a social media perspective to brand development and customer loyalty. ——————————- It did not take professional marketers and brand managers very long to realize the power that Social Media wields in regard to influencing consumer purchase intent and galvanize their loyal brand base.  After all a... View Article

Passion Plus Purpose Equals Profits

by | September 14, 2010

Our guest blog post comes from Maria Ross, founder and Chief Marketing Strategist at Red Slice.  Maria is also be our guest presenter at our Equinox Focus Event on September 22:  “Building Customer Loyalty to Drive Revenues”.  ————————————— A fundamental advantage that small business owners have when it comes to brand is that they are so... View Article