Tag Archive: Trademark

What Business Owners Can Learn About Trademarks from Netflix’s Lawsuit

by | February 12, 2019

If you’re a fan of science-fiction dramas, you’ve likely seen the Netflix original series Black Mirror. The series is composed of stand-alone episodes that explore what Rotten Tomatoes refers to as ‘our collective unease with the modern world… exploring themes of modern techno-paranoia.’ However, the latest season has spurred an unintended kind of drama —a... View Article

How Hasbro Almost Blew An Intergalactic Deal

by | September 5, 2018

Those of us old enough to remember our very first Star Wars figure, were too young when they first arrived in stores to realize (or, care, really) what it took for them to become and remain a reality for the next 40 years, earning over $14 billion in revenue. Primarily due to George Lucas’ desire... View Article

Trademark Lawyer and Managing IP Strategically

by | October 6, 2015

As you plan for your business, I expect you look at your financials and plan the needed adjustments to marketing, staffing, capital purchases, and other operational activities to meet your goals for the coming year and beyond. In addition, there’s a component of strategic planning which includes review of your bigger goals (BHAGs for those... View Article

WARNING: Misleading Trademark Notices

by | October 8, 2014

Blog written by Lauren Burgon, Equinox Business Law Group Increasingly over the past few months, Equinox has heard from clients regarding notices clients have received that appear to be official notices from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). These official-looking notices often appear to be bills, and are usually in amounts similar to the... View Article

Re-Conceptualizing Intellectual Assets in Business

by | October 5, 2010

As companies are becoming more and more dependent on the knowledge, experience and creativity of the people in their businesses, they must begin to think more strategically about their “intellectual assets.”  At Equinox, we regularly receive calls from individuals starting a business and wondering if the contract they signed with their employers limits their ability... View Article

Intellectual Property and the Financials

by | June 29, 2010

Our guest blog post comes from Dennis Purvine of CFO Selections.  Dennis is a CPA and CFO and has worked with companies in all stages of development. ——————————— Intellectual Property (I.P.) can be protected by patent, copyright, trademark, etc.  Companies that create, or purchase, intellectual property presumably create value for their business. (More on this... View Article