Categories for Uncategorized

Business Commerce

The New Federal Overtime Rule

by | October 1, 2019

In big news for employers, the U.S. Department of Labor (the “DOL”) announced on September 24, 2019 that it would be releasing its final rule, which sets forth the new thresholds for minimum wage and overtime pay for “white collar” employees. The new rule will take effect on January 1, 2020. Fair Labor Standards Act... View Article

Research Planning

The Antidote to Growing Pains

by | October 1, 2019

Your business is growing – you’ve got the right people and sales are up.  It should feel good but instead, it feels like nothing is working right.  You’re keeping up with what’s essential – getting the work done, managing your employees, and even business development – but you worry about all stuff that’s not getting... View Article

Staff Training

Employee Training Programs Tailored For Your Business

by | June 27, 2019

Does your staff get excited about employee training? Typically, it’s not something they’re looking forward to attending. And it’s true — out-of-the-box style employee trainings aren’t just boring, they’re ineffective. Equinox has a different approach when it comes to educating teams about important topics. As we develop each unique presentation, we tailor the information for... View Article

Netflix lawsuit trademark law

What Business Owners Can Learn About Trademarks from Netflix’s Lawsuit

by | February 11, 2019

If you’re a fan of science-fiction dramas, you’ve likely seen the Netflix original series Black Mirror. The series is composed of stand-alone episodes that explore what Rotten Tomatoes refers to as ‘our collective unease with the modern world… exploring themes of modern techno-paranoia.’ However, the latest season has spurred an unintended kind of drama —a... View Article

Equinox Blog Season

Family, the Workplace, and Government Regulation

by | September 4, 2018

September has arrived and those with kids are getting back into the school routine.  Your employee’s schedules and mindsets may have shifted to new schedules and priorities.  For many, these shifts are subtle – maybe a day off or a slightly later start time – while for others the preparation for back to school creates... View Article

Thanksgiving in Another Land

by | November 3, 2016

While I was abroad the past two years, Thanksgiving was a particularly special holiday. It is a day that is uniquely (North) American; and although other cultures are aware that we celebrate this day, there exists some curiosity around its meaning and its customs. I found a special connection in sharing our family’s favorite holiday... View Article

What’s There To Be Glad About?

by | November 5, 2015

Messages of gratitude have filled my life recently and their impact on me has been such that I wanted to share them so you might also find a tidbit of gladness! I just finished reading the book “Pollyanna” by Eleanor H. Porter with my daughter.  You may have read it as a child or seen... View Article

The CEO’s Secret To Hiring Sales People- Stop That!

by | June 24, 2014

Blog written by Dave Mantel, ACME Sales Development Just Stop That! Yes… THAT! Cut it out already! I’m talking about falling in love – falling in love with people who appear to be able to sell. You do it over and over and aren’t getting results. You meet them, begin the dance, fall in love, bring... View Article