Categories for Business Planning
by Michelle Bomberger | January 16, 2013
This week’s blog from Earl Bell, Island Crest Consulting A solid business plan dramatically increases the likelihood that your company continues on the path to becoming extremely valuable, sustainable and profitable. Having said that, not all business plans are created equal. Focus on the right things and you’ll develop a road map to success. Below... View Article
by Michelle Bomberger | January 8, 2013
This week’s blog from Dawn Nelson Business planning is a tool that owners should use to help anticipate and plan for the year ahead. It is where goals are determined and budgets are set. But is that all that the business plan is good for? Companies can use their business planning as a time to... View Article
by Michelle Bomberger | November 8, 2012
This week’s blog from Michelle Bomberger Despite the beauty of fall and the bustle of the Holidays, be sure to get the work done to end 2012 strong. There are many issues that you should discuss and formalize in your business to properly account for 2012 and plan for your 2013 year such as: Gifting... View Article
by Michelle Bomberger | October 25, 2012
This week’s blog from Equinox Associate Lauren Burgon President Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act into law in March, 2010, but most of us know that many of the law’s provisions don’t go into effect until 2014. While many employers are concerned with how the law will affect their businesses and the... View Article
by Michelle Bomberger | October 12, 2012
Guest blog from David Lightfoot, B2B CFO In my career I’ve been exposed to fraud only a few times. My impression used to be that fraud is relatively rare. Maybe it was or maybe my experience wasn’t representative, but it seems that fraud has become a lot more common. Technology has certainly made it easier... View Article
by Michelle Bomberger | October 3, 2012
Fraud is committed in small businesses every day. Some industries, such as retail and restaurants, are more susceptible than others but it happens everywhere. Yet most business owners do not believe it will happen to them. We know that the key element is to put in place key controls to deter and expose fraudulent behavior.... View Article
by Michelle Bomberger | September 29, 2012
Blog by Associate Attorney, Lauren Burgon Compensation is compensation, right? It’s wages, salary and bonuses. It’s matching contributions to a 401K, or providing health insurance. It’s money out the door that benefits employees. Not always. There are many different forms that compensation can take, and not all of them result in cash out the door... View Article
by Michelle Bomberger | September 14, 2012
Guest blog provided by Kristofer Gray, Principal of Integrity Financial Corporation Millions of employees save for retirement by deferring a portion of their compensation into an employer-sponsored, tax-deferred savings plan. The majority of these are known as qualified plans and fall under the jurisdiction of ERISA guidelines, which means they are subject to certain limiting... View Article
by Michelle Bomberger | September 4, 2012
Compensation is a tricky subject that can be highly emotional for both employer and employee. Employees are looking for to what their peers are making in both salary and “perks.” Employers are looking at how to keep great talent and the costs of doing so. Employers look at a combination of salary, cash bonuses, and... View Article