Tag Archive: Disability

LEGAL UPDATE: Shifting Paradigms: Battling Weight Bias at Work on a National Scale

by | August 25, 2023

Over the last two decades, obesity levels in the United States have been on the rise along with a growing concern of discrimination based on weight in the workplace. As a result, states and local governments are starting to take action. In Washington, it is therefore illegal for employers to refuse to hire qualified potential employees because the employer perceives them to be obese.

Is Your Website Accessibility ADA Compliant?

by | November 26, 2020

While many businesses are familiar with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) employment requirements, fewer know that it can also apply to websites. An online presence is a critical component for public and private businesses, leading to increased website accessibility litigation. Plaintiffs claim that websites with certain barriers, such as incompatibility with screen-reading software, constitute... View Article

Physical Abilities Testing: Four Guidelines to Minimize Scrutiny

by | September 18, 2018

Physical Abilities Tests (PAT) can be a useful tool for employers that seek ideal workers for physically demanding jobs. However, a biased test could cost your business millions in investigations, charges, and lawsuits. Just earlier this year, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) filed two cases of female discrimination that cost the respective companies $2.5... View Article

Leave Requests and the ADA

by | January 12, 2017

When an employee is confronted with a medical issue, particularly a sudden condition or illness, it is a time of fear and confusion. While it certainly cannot equate to what an employee is experiencing, our clients, the employers, are also faced with navigating a difficult situation. Almost all employers know one thing for sure –... View Article