Tag Archive: Social Media

LEGAL UPDATE: Social Media Posts in the Workplace – A Guide for Businesses to Ensure Compliance with the FTC’s Guidance 

by | March 20, 2023

Employers should be aware that the FTC requires disclosure of an employee's employment relationship when making an endorsement on social media for the company they work for. The disclosure must be in simple and clear language and placed conspicuously. The FTC recommends that companies establish a social media policy that includes these disclosure requirements, consistently enforce the policy, and provide employees with training. Employers that direct employees to create or share social media posts should implement a policy and monitor the posts for compliance. To avoid potential legal issues, it is important for employers to follow these guidelines to ensure compliance with the FTC's rules.

Social Madness and Lessons We Learned

by | August 16, 2013

Blog written by Dawn Nelson, Equinox Business Law Group Social media marketing is everywhere you turn. From articles in newspapers and magazines to articles online, we are told social media is at the front line of marketing and every business should be investing time into it. But why? We’ve been active in social media for... View Article

Should You Access Employees’ Social Media Accounts?

by | August 24, 2012

Michelle Bomberger’s article “What’s the Password?” was published in Seattle Business Magazine. It addressed key considerations for employers accessing employees’ social media accounts. The full article is below:  Scoping out an employee’s or a potential employee’s social media life online has become common practice for employers who believe sound reasons exist for requesting this type... View Article