Tag Archive: risk management

Is your business fit to go boldly into the unknown?

Is your business fit to go boldly into the unknown?

by | May 18, 2023

Building a healthy and fit business requires attention to the spirit, mind, and body of your organization. By defining your purpose, establishing core values, implementing robust decision-making processes, and investing in your physical resources, you can create a solid foundation for long-term success. Equinox's Business Health Assessment (BHA) offers a valuable opportunity to evaluate your organization's legal infrastructure and gain insights into areas that may need improvement. We value your participation and feedback as we collectively strive to build purpose-driven organizations that thrive in today's ever-evolving business landscape. Here's to your continued success and a prosperous future ahead.


Is your business’ “corporate veil” vulnerable?

by | July 28, 2022

When it comes to legal matters and liabilities your business may face, there must be a shield of separation in place to protect your personal liabilities and everything you have work to accomplish in your business. It’s time to deploy the "corporate veil" – strategically leverage your business’ legal entity structure as a risk mitigation tool.

disaster planning

Prioritize Disaster Planning Beyond Insurance

by | July 31, 2020

As the pandemic and related lockdown took hold in March of 2020, companies immediately began to look for ways to protect their businesses from the damage. Insurance coverage, of course, was a first thought – but in most cases, insurance didn’t deliver. Many companies were stuck with no revenue; other companies were stuck because their... View Article

Negotiating Operating Expenses in Commercial Leases

by | August 22, 2019

For many companies, a commercial lease is one of the most critical and high-value contracts into which they’ll ever enter. While the average commercial lease term is between 3 to 5 years, these leases can run up to 10 years, plus extension periods. Unlike most other contracts that a business might sign, a commercial lease... View Article

Marijuana- What Employers Should Know

by | December 11, 2012

This week’s blog from Lauren Burgon Washington voters approved Initiative 502 on November 6th leaving many Washington employers wondering how and if they should be amending their policies regarding drug use. While the passage of Initiative 502 decriminalizes, regulates, and taxes the recreational use and sale of marijuana in the state of Washington, marijuana use... View Article

Feeling overwhelmed? Need to reduce risks… have too many big issues in front of you?…. Do something! You’ll feel better

by | July 12, 2011

Today’s guest blog comes from Dave Shapiro, a group leader at Excell CEO.  Dave mentors CEOs and business owners throughout the Puget Sound and West Coast to help them gain clarity about what is holding their company back and what will propel it to even greater heights. —————————————— One of the toughest issues to face is uncertainty…... View Article

Business Continuity – Despite Disaster

by | June 30, 2011

When business owners hear the term “business continuity,” they most readily think of what to do in the case of a physical loss such as a fire, flood or earthquake.  These physical losses are important risks to protect against but “business continuity” planning goes beyond that.  Business continuity planning must also address the impact of... View Article