Tag Archive: Indemnification

Business Tools to Resolve Conflicts and Protect Your Assets

by | June 6, 2018

Regardless of how careful we are, conflicts arise in business. Conflicts among owners, among employees, and with vendors and customers are common.  Generally speaking, we try to resolve these conflicts quickly with minimal risk and cost but sometimes they spiral out of control.  As a business owner, it’s essential that you know what tools are... View Article

Leveraging Risk Mitigation Terms in Contracts: Using Limitation on Liability, Indemnity and Dispute Resolution to Your Benefit

by | September 1, 2017

An essential part of the work we do  at Equinox is helping clients to understand the risks inherent in their business and proactively plan to protect against those risks.  I have written before on how to think about the tools available to business owners to insulate risk including the use of contracts, insurance, and the... View Article