Tag Archive: Core Values

Moving from Manager to CEO

by | January 24, 2014

Blog written by David Lightfoot, B2B CFO For a business owner to successfully grow their business, there are a couple of difficult transitions they need to make. The first is from “doer” to manager. Usually when a business is begun, the owner does everything. They must “wear a lot of hats.” If the business finds success and... View Article

The CEO Mindset

by | January 7, 2014

Many of us as business owners have heard the mantra:  “You should be working ‘on’ your business not ‘in’ your business and we get it.  More time running the business, less time doing the work… it’s not always easy but as you build a team that understands who you are and how to do the... View Article

Employer Engagement

by | March 21, 2013

Blog written by Andrea Heuston   What would contribute most to your being both happier and more productive at work? How about feeling truly taken care of, appreciated, and trusted by your employer? More than 100 studies have affirmed the connection between employee engagement and performance, the connection between how we feel at work and... View Article

Improving customer satisfaction: Take care to focus

by | October 12, 2011

Mike Pritchard is President of 5 Circles Research, providing full-service market research and also helping clients improve their own surveys. —————————– While there is plenty of evidence that customer satisfaction is linked to profitability (e.g. https://www.burke.com/Library/WhitePapers/B.WhitePaperVol5Iss3.pdf ) , some wonder if profits will decline by doing too much. One reason for these concerns is when... View Article

Building Customer Loyalty From Within

by | October 4, 2011

What drives customer loyalty? Customers are loyal to businesses when their expectations are met time and time again. In my opinion, the execution doesn’t even need to be exceptional – it just needs to consistently deliver on the promises made. The biggest challenge faced by business owners is how to deliver consistently every time. A... View Article

Building Customer Loyalty From Within

by | October 4, 2011

What drives customer loyalty? Customers are loyal to businesses when their expectations are met time and time again. In my opinion, the execution doesn’t even need to be exceptional – it just needs to consistently deliver on the promises made. The biggest challenge faced by business owners is how to deliver consistently every time. A... View Article

Passion Plus Purpose Equals Profits

by | September 14, 2010

Our guest blog post comes from Maria Ross, founder and Chief Marketing Strategist at Red Slice.  Maria is also be our guest presenter at our Equinox Focus Event on September 22:  “Building Customer Loyalty to Drive Revenues”.  ————————————— A fundamental advantage that small business owners have when it comes to brand is that they are so... View Article