In an increasingly connected global marketplace, data for many companies has become simultaneously one of the greatest assets and one of the greatest risks. Data privacy and cybersecurity are rapidly shooting to the top of the list of concerns that keep business owners and CEOs up at night.
According to Deloitte’s 2018 Global Risk Management Survey, about one-third of respondents felt confident that their institutions were effective in the area of data governance. This comes as no surprise as companies face a growing challenge to effectively manage data, mitigate risks related to that data, and maintain compliance with a multitude of laws, regulations, and contract requirements.
In this month’s FOCUS event, Equinox attorney Ashley Wong and Cyber Risk Opportunities founder Kip Boyle will be highlighting what business owners need to know about managing data in each stage of the data lifecycle and ensuring compliance with the various frameworks governing that data.
Please join us for this free event:
Date: Wednesday, July 17th
Time: 7:30 am – 9:30 am
Location: Equinox Business Law, Bellevue Office