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January FOCUS: The Sole Business Owner’s Estate Plan

January 28, 2020

We know it’s essential to have an estate plan that designates what happens to our assets when we die. How does your business fit into this plan? In many cases, the company is ignored. It passes through the estate to the heirs – but your business needs management until it can be sold or wound up. Your executor and heirs likely know little about the company. It will lose value unless you provide them with direction.

We are here to help give some guidance on how your estate plan fits into your succession plan for your business. In January, we FOCUSed our attention on providing you, the sole business owner, guidance on how your estate plan fits into your business’s legacy. If you were unable to join us, or need a refresher, we have our webinar available below. Are you ready to discuss your company’s future and how it fits into your estate plan? Contact us today for a complimentary consultation for insight on how we can help guide your vision for your biggest asset – your business.

Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel to get all our webinars at your fingertips.

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