Categories for Risk Management

LEGAL UPDATE: Oregon Consumer Privacy Act

by | February 12, 2024

On July 18, 2023, Oregon joined the growing number of states in signing into law comprehensive data privacy legislation. Effective July 1, 2024, the Oregon Consumer Privacy Act (the OCPA or the Act) will create meaningful privacy protections for Oregon consumers and new data protection obligations for businesses operating in Oregon.

AI Transcription Services - what you need to know

LEGAL UPDATE: AI Transcription Services – what you need to know

by | June 15, 2023

Discover what you need to know about AI transcription services in this insightful legal update by Danica Paddock. As professionals seek ways to gain more time in their busy schedules, meeting transcription services powered by AI offer a solution for efficient note-taking, transcription, and analysis of voice conversations. However, security concerns arise regarding the confidentiality of client-attorney privileged communications and sensitive internal company discussions. The article highlights potential risks associated with data breaches, the collection of participant information, and the ownership of transcribed content. It advises users to carefully consider the implications before using AI transcription services and to evaluate the level of risk they are willing to accept.

Is your business fit to go boldly into the unknown?

Is your business fit to go boldly into the unknown?

by | May 18, 2023

Building a healthy and fit business requires attention to the spirit, mind, and body of your organization. By defining your purpose, establishing core values, implementing robust decision-making processes, and investing in your physical resources, you can create a solid foundation for long-term success. Equinox's Business Health Assessment (BHA) offers a valuable opportunity to evaluate your organization's legal infrastructure and gain insights into areas that may need improvement. We value your participation and feedback as we collectively strive to build purpose-driven organizations that thrive in today's ever-evolving business landscape. Here's to your continued success and a prosperous future ahead.

Social Media Posts in the Workplace

LEGAL UPDATE: Social Media Posts in the Workplace – A Guide for Businesses to Ensure Compliance with the FTC’s Guidance 

by | March 20, 2023

Employers should be aware that the FTC requires disclosure of an employee's employment relationship when making an endorsement on social media for the company they work for. The disclosure must be in simple and clear language and placed conspicuously. The FTC recommends that companies establish a social media policy that includes these disclosure requirements, consistently enforce the policy, and provide employees with training. Employers that direct employees to create or share social media posts should implement a policy and monitor the posts for compliance. To avoid potential legal issues, it is important for employers to follow these guidelines to ensure compliance with the FTC's rules.

Does your sales and marketing playbook leverage the power of law?

Unlock the strategic advantage to a winning sales and marketing plan: the power of law

by | December 18, 2022

It’s hard to have a successful business without a healthy Sales and Marketing operation. As a business grows so does the complexity of protecting product production, sales, and marketing from liabilities and vulnerabilities.  Yet many business leaders go blindly at it alone “not knowing what they don’t know” leads to mistakes. “Learn from the mistakes... View Article

Protect the physical assets that create value for business

More than just stuff, it’s what makes your business run. Is your business prepared to protect its physical assets?

by | October 6, 2022

What would happen if you lost the assets you rely on to make your business work? You have invested a lot in your business’s physical assets. These assets are often the tools of the business necessary to deliver your goods and services such as your facilities, equipment, and data. Does your business fully protect its physical assets with a proper legal infrastructure?

business partners are like band members

3 must-have tools for mitigating risk for any business with multiple owners

by | August 10, 2022

While your competitors may have ownership issues bogging down their decision making, you will be able to grow together -- or to separate -- with confidence. Learn how to leverage the legal infrastructure tools – the Shareholder Agreement or Operating Agreement, key insurance policies, and a limited liability entity structure, to create strong relationships among owners and ensure the individual owners are protected from the activities of the company and from one another.