Categories for Facilities

More than just stuff, it’s what makes your business run. Is your business prepared to protect its physical assets?

by | October 6, 2022

What would happen if you lost the assets you rely on to make your business work? You have invested a lot in your business’s physical assets. These assets are often the tools of the business necessary to deliver your goods and services such as your facilities, equipment, and data. Does your business fully protect its physical assets with a proper legal infrastructure?

Answer These Questions Before Your Lease Negotiations

by | July 3, 2020

There is no doubt that for many companies, business looks different in response to the COVID-19 crisis. Employees are working from home, revenue may be down, and maintaining a safe workspace is proving more challenging than ever. You may have considered an entirely remote workforce, but you want to keep your office space for valuable... View Article

Stormwater Requirements for Businesses

by | January 15, 2019

There’s been a lot of interest lately on the plight of the southern Puget Sound Orca pod population and the impact that stormwater and other pollution may have on them.  With their numbers declining, the state of Washington is considering various options to address the decline.  Meanwhile, the federal government is also considering revising water quality and stormwater... View Article