Author Archives for Michelle Bomberger

How Does Video Play a Role in Building Brand Awareness?

by | September 28, 2010

Our current economic climate and the rapidly changing marketing communications environment have ushered in a mind spinning array of challenges to businesses that want to build their brand awareness. Statistics show that a key tool to help build brand awareness is video on the web. Indeed, according to numbers released this year: –  76% of... View Article

Social Media, Brand Development and the Purchase Process

by | September 21, 2010

Guest blogger Steven Matsumoto, CEO of Stigmare, Inc., brings a social media perspective to brand development and customer loyalty. ——————————- It did not take professional marketers and brand managers very long to realize the power that Social Media wields in regard to influencing consumer purchase intent and galvanize their loyal brand base.  After all a... View Article

Passion Plus Purpose Equals Profits

by | September 14, 2010

Our guest blog post comes from Maria Ross, founder and Chief Marketing Strategist at Red Slice.  Maria is also be our guest presenter at our Equinox Focus Event on September 22:  “Building Customer Loyalty to Drive Revenues”.  ————————————— A fundamental advantage that small business owners have when it comes to brand is that they are so... View Article

What is Business Owner Exit Planning?

by | August 20, 2010

Allan Vander Hamm is a principal and the Director of Business Valuation and Transition Services at Berntson Porter and Company in Bellevue, Washington.   Allan’s practice focuses on designing and implementing comprehensive owner succession and transition projects; completing successful Merger & Acquisition transactions; and providing business valuations for transition, transactions, buy-sell agreements, divorce and estate and gift... View Article

Ownership Transition in Family Business: Overlooked Critical Considerations

by | August 10, 2010

Our guest blog this week comes from Bob Gruber, President of  The Rainier Group, a professional firm with  concentrated experience in the issues that affect successful private business owners and other successful individuals including business transition services, wealth advisory services and institutional consulting.  Bob will be participating in our Succession Planning panel discussion on August 25.... View Article

Why you need succession planning now!

by | August 3, 2010

As Chris Corrigan so aptly stated, “You can never over-prepare in business!”   Yet, we know, from strategic plans to budget plans and marketing plans to staffing plans, business owners find it difficult to fit it all in.  Now I raise the issue of succession plans… another one of those plans that doesn’t seem critical today;... View Article


by | July 20, 2010

Catherine Dovey is the founder of Compensation Works LLC and offers this guest blog with insights as to how and when to communicate with employees about compensation. ————————————- Several surveys show that up to 70% of employees are planning to look for new opportunities after the economy recovers.  Most of us assume that we need... View Article

Creating Value Through Employer-Employee Relationships

by | July 13, 2010

Scott Verrette of Resourceful HR offers us our guest blog post this month on how to create value in employment relationships.  Scott will be one of our guest speakers at the Equinox Focus Event:  Creating Value Through Employer-Employee Relationships on July 28.  Resourceful HR  helps companies grow through increased employee efficiency.  You can also sign up for... View Article

Making Happy Employees

by | July 7, 2010

Many studies show employers the value of “happy employees” to a business’ productivity and success.  An obvious question arising from these studies is:  “What makes for a “happy employee?”   The studies address this to varying degrees; but to me, a particular employee’s happiness in his or her work depends on many factors such as age,... View Article