Tag Archive: Joint Employer

NLRB Overrules Browning-Ferris Decision

by | February 6, 2018

In December 2017, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) overruled its 2015 decision in Browning-Ferris Industries, 36 NLRB No.186 (2015).  This 2015 decision changed the standard for joint-employer liability, making the definition much broader than previously. The new decision reverts back to NLRB’s previous interpretation of the joint-employer relationship. Going forward, two or more entities... View Article

Labor Secretary Withdraws Guidance on Independent Contractors and Joint Employers

by | June 23, 2017

On June 7, Department of Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta announced the withdrawal of the DOL’s prior Administrator Interpretations (“AIs”) clarifying the department’s position on the broad definition of joint employment and independent contractor misclassification. By withdrawing the AI’s, Acosta does not change the legal obligation of employers under the law. Instead, it rescinds the DOL’s prior guidance... View Article