Tag Archive: Facilities

What Does Our Workspace Truly Need To Look Like

by | June 19, 2024

Are we still talking about hybrid vs. remote vs. in-person workplaces? Yes, we are! The decision on workplace setups might seem settled, but with a couple of years of post-pandemic experience, we’re now seeing what people really want and need. The reality is workplace preferences vary widely. Some team members prefer to be in the... View Article

Level Up The Body of Your Business

by | August 24, 2023

Equinox Business Law believes leading successful entrepreneurship and small business is akin to nurturing a well-rounded self. Just as individuals require a harmonious balance of mind, body, and spirit, businesses also thrive on holistic attention. Following articles on spirit and mind, Equinox now delves into the tangible core of businesses: their body. Think of your business as a living entity with physical assets forming its muscles, bones, and organs. Facilities, inventory, intellectual property, and talented personnel all contribute to its strength. This synergy drives operations, protected by risk-mitigation strategies and contracts, acting as the business's immune system. Nurturing your business's health, much like caring for your own well-being, involves leveraging legal infrastructure tools: contracts, insurance and legal entities. Embrace this holistic perspective, and take advantage of Equinox's complimentary Business Health Assessment to chart a fortified path forward.