COVID-19: The Resources Your Business Needs

The novel coronavirus, COVID-19, is having a sudden and severe impact on our region, state, and the U.S. As a result of COVID-19, many small businesses are suffering. Social distancing and state-mandated bans are causing the cancellation of events and travel plans, workplaces to shut down or limit operations, workers are sent home, and ultimately, a significant decline in people patronizing local businesses. In moments like this, we remember that business does not happen in a vacuum.

We want to do everything we can to direct our clients, friends, colleagues, and the greater business community to resources that might be helpful. Searching for the right information and answers is a daunting task on top of the added stress that COVID-19 is causing. We are aware that government agencies are currently working to identify long-term solutions. Still, in the meantime, we have a list of resources for businesses and workers impacted by COVID-19 in Washington. We will continue to update this list as additional resources become available. Also, we will be updating our blog post describing how employers should address the concerns and needs of their employees concerning COVID-19 and the workplace.

We are here for you, your business, and our community. Please do not hesitate to contact us for a complimentary check-in to answer your questions about how this may impact your employees, contracts, insurance, and anything else on your mind. We can also help develop continuity plans and policies that allow you and your business to weather the current business climate.

Equinox Resources

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Resources for Businesses Impacted by COVID-19

Additional Business Resources

Overview of COVID-19 Statewide Face Covering Requirements

Order of the Secretary of Health: Face Coverings – Statewide

US Dept of Labor Memo: FFCRA Leave for Summer Childcare

Safe Start Washington: Phased Reopening

Washington Dept. of Health: Cloth Face Coverings & Mask FAQ

COVID-19 Prevention: General Workplace Requirements

COVID-19 Scenarios & Benefits Available

Back to Work Toolkit

WA Governor’s Office: Resource List for Washington State Businesses and Workers Impacted by COVID-19

City of Bellevue COVID-19 Business Resources

Snohomish County COVID-19 Info for Businesses/Employers

WA Insurance Commissioner Coronavirus and Insurance Coverage Resources

King County: Guidelines for Business Continuity

King County: Planning for a Coronavirus Pandemic – A Guide for Businesses

Sequoia Letter – Guidance for Founders and CEOs

Coronavirus: Avoiding the Virus and Employment Law Issues

Small Business Administration Disaster Loans

ESD: For workers and businesses affected by COVID-19 (coronavirus)

How to Implement the Families First Coronavirus Response Act

Families First Coronavirus Response Act: Employer Paid Leave Requirements

COVID-19-Related Tax Credits for Required Paid Leave Provided by Small and Midsize Businesses FAQs

IRS provides updated guidance for small businesses claiming coronavirus paid leave tax credits

DOL outlines small-business exemption from coronavirus paid leave lawStay Home, Stay Healthy Construction Guidance

Inslee extends ‘Stay Home, Stay Healthy’ through May 4

We are Ready to Help You